World Book Day 2025
6th March 2025
Today is Thursday, 6th March, and we are celebrating World Book Day to encourage reading for both children and adults. It’s especially important for children to develop their reading skills.
The Irish Deaf Society particularly promote reading for Deaf children. We are happy to share these resources with parents of Deaf children and their families.
The Irish Deaf Society, along with Libraries Ireland and the European Union of the Deaf (EUD)/Huawei Project, worked together to launch the ISL Story Sign.
Each library themselves with the help of the publishers, chose a book to translate into Irish Sign Language (ISL).
The Irish Deaf Society has chosen four ISL Story videos for Deaf children! These stories are Irish Legends and Myths, which are available in ISL, as we feel it is important to share this part of Irish culture.
The books are:
- Oisin in Tir na nÓg
- The Salmon of Knowledge
- The Crock of Gold
- Children of Lir
We want to thank Gill Books and authors Yvonne Carroll, Fiona Waters, and Felicity Trotman for letting us use their books.
The Book of Kells Exhibition has also created a series of children’s animations with funding from the Heritage Council of Ireland. These animations help make the Book of Kells and The Long Room in Trinity College, Dublin more accessible to children.
Two of these children’s animations are made for Deaf audiences, with the help of the Centre for Deaf Studies at Trinity College Dublin.
You can find all ISL videos on our website and share with your Deaf children.
#WorldBookDay #storytelling #StorySign #islstorysign #literacy #reading #deafchildren #parentsofdeafchildren #IrishSignLanguage #readingisfun #LearnISL #islvideo #yvonnecarroll #fionawaters #felicitytrotman