EventMaster Give2You

Interested in fundraising for the Irish Deaf Society?

With the Eventmaster Give2You platform you can register for hundreds of different events throughout the country and start fundraising for the Irish Deaf Society.

Eventmaster Give2you will help you register for an event, and very easily set up a fundraising page, which you can share on your social media.  All funds raised go directly to the Irish Deaf Society.

If you would like to know more about how you can use this platform to raise funds for the Irish Deaf Society, you can contact Jennifer by email on jennifer@irishdeafsociety.ie

Thank you for considering the Irish Deaf Society and best of luck with your chosen event.

Support Lucy Walsh as she raises funds for the Irish Deaf Society, Lucy is taking part in the Cork City Marathon on the 1st June 2025. Check out her fundraising page , and see how you can support Lucy’s goal to reach her fundraising target.  https://eventmaster.ie/fundraising/pages/LW90210709

A big thank you to Lucy for supporting the Irish Deaf society and all the best in in reaching her fundraising  goal.

Published: 06/02/2025

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Irish Deaf Society