
Careers and Guidance for Deaf People

By Mary Quirke

This is a report complimenting the publication ‘Guidance for The Deaf Conversation About Careers and Community – Lets Start a New Conversation Guidance….’. It is important to say that either publication does not intend to limit any understanding but rather share the learning about guidance and Deaf people. It is intended that this publication will be translated into Irish Sign Language (ISL).

We want to communicate to all interested parties and inspire further work in this area, Deaf people, the Deaf community together with guidance and career professionals. This is important if the project is to have an authentic impact on guidance and moreover on social and active inclusion in society for Deaf people.

  • Careers and Guidance for Deaf People - Why Guidance and Why Now? 
  • Careers and Guidance for Deaf People - The Deaf Career Project 
  • Careers and Guidance for Deaf People - About This Publication 
  • Careers and Guidance for Deaf People - Guidance
  • Careers and Guidance for Deaf People - Learning from the past
  • Careers and Guidance for Deaf People - Changes for Inclusion
  • Careers and Guidance for Deaf People - How can guidance adapt
  • Careers and Guidance for Deaf People - In Conclusion

Both publications have been informed by several sources – a systematic literature review, an exploration of guidance services across the EU, and different Irish policy documents including the National Guidance Framework. Finally, this report has also been influenced by the work currently being developed in the IDS Deaf Career Project funded by POBAL Dormant Accounts Fund.

Career and Guidance for Deaf People  VIEW PDF

Guidance for the Deaf Community - Lets Start a New Conversation about Careers and Guidance... VIEW PDF

Deaf Awareness Training and Career Learning - A Model of Reciprocal Learning VIEW PDF

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Irish Deaf Society